Sunday, March 25, 2012


AHA! Look what a friend spotted on Martha Stewart and forwarded to me (thank you Kat).  There is that funny finger vase again. This time with a much more contained arrangement than mine. I think I might put frilly pink peonies in it next. Yes? Stay tuned.
image from Martha Stewart


webb said...

That's lovely! I had a "finger vase" once, but it always looked silly - not like that! - so I got rid of it. Now, I wish I had tried harder.

flowers on my table said...

Hello Denise, that is lovely. So glad the stencilling post inspired you. I have been catching up on some of your posts, as I am a little behind. The tall arrangements are really stunning, and your photographs are so beautiful. I love all the greens, they look so natural, as if just picked from the garden. Really lovely...thank you. Have a great week and I'd love to know if you do decide to stencil, what you go for. Much love, Linda x