Monday, December 27, 2010

I've Always Wanted This

Hello friends. How was your Christmas? We had a blast. Every present Littlest Pheasant opened she shrieked "I've always always always wanted this!!!!" We celebrated with a feast of the seven fishes (an Italian culinary tradition) on Christmas Eve and then gift giving and lounging around on Christmas Day.
 And then the storm hit! Wowza. We headed out all bundled up for a good old fashioned snow ball fight. I know I am suppose to be posting about flowers and weddings and I promise to be on that right away. I do have some great photos from past weddings to show you. But until then, I'm staying in my bath robe, knitting, making food, watching movies know what?  I've always always wanted this!!!


flwrjane said...

I've always wanted this for you also!

enjoy, if you get outside hike down my way for some ham!

xo jane

Chemin des Muguets said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Your daughter's reaction to her gifts was so sweet.

Stay warm and snug.

abigail said...

So glad you had a wonderful day.