Tomorrow I take off for some much needed vacation time. We head out to Maine until the end of the month. I will be lugging my laptop to work on 2010 wedding proposals - which I don't mind doing when the above photo (shot last year) is the view from my window. Besides eating, sleeping, playing and eating some more I am hoping to find some mental time to ponder new art work...we'll see. Have a happy summer everyone!
It's been a long day. We are taking off for vacation soon. I can't wait. I am looking forward to sipping cold iced tea in the hammock. Sweet floral tumblers at Pony's Party.
I am thrilled to post some professional photos by the talented Noah Devereaux from a lovely urban garden wedding I designed back in June. My photos here. I love this portrait of Beth! Casual, relaxed and so gorgeous. You can see more of Noah's work on his website.
I have a serious case of Cat Rock Fever. I just loved this venue. I was also so excited for the design for this wedding. Mostly orange, pinks and some plums with lots, of ferns, sage and geranium. I spent weeks trolling thrift stores, etsy and ebay amassing little vintage glasses. Throw in some ikea glass and I've got myself a nice collection. It was a bit of a harrowing journey up to Osborn Castle...traffic on the bridge, quick stop at the market (dead hygengeas!), horrible crash in the river but thankfully Christine knew the lay of the land sped us up there on time. I am such a lucky girl because I get to back next weekend for another wedding!
Today is my birthday. I spent the day being waxed, rubbed, scrubbed, sanded and buffed. It was exactly what I needed. My mom and Ruby surprised me with a chocolate cake yesterday when I came home from a wedding I did here. The most magical place ever. I will post images soon.
Watching TV and according to Anthony Bourdain, the Venetian's have no word for "rushing" in their language. I have been marveling at this concept for a week now as a jump from one thing to another. How dreamy and lovely is this photo? How I wish I could be sipping coffee at this window... Image from James Merrell.